You've got to be kidding me. It isn't that I consider a Pope to be a leading spiritual leader in my life, but I do recognize that millions of others look to him for guidance. Is this what they have to look toward? A man who kisses the Koran and says that he receives "god's word" and a man that bows before a false god and turns his face toward their mecca. He can somehow call Islam a peaceful faith?
Even if he was praying to YHWH...his example sent a message to millions of Muslims and Christians.
It isn't the visit itself that bothers me. I've been to visit Hindu temples, mosques, Buddhist temples, etc. In the process of traveling all over the world, I've had opportunities to see a lot of other houses of religion. I've learned a lot. Every time I visit I am careful to act respectfully while I am in their facility. I do think there is a level of courtesy and respect that you have for people...I think that respect can open doors for the gospel. Paul shows us this example in Athens. I embrace the attempts to bring peace and reach out to the Muslim community. That in itself is exactly what Jesus would call us to do. That's what Ambassadors for Christ should be all about. I love Muslims. However, I don't love Islam. My problem comes in here. I would not mind visiting a mosque from an educational and outreach perspective...but I would never go to the point of bowing before muhammad.
I just wonder what message the Pope sent to millions of people who look to him for guidance. If that message is..."Hey...we need to love muslims and reach out to them"...great. If the message is that the Bible and the Koran are both words from God...then I have a huge problem with that point. If the message he sent is "hey...there really isn't that much difference...muhammad or Jesus...take your pick"...then I'll take a break from this blog and vomit. expletive feels strangely appropriate...but I'll refrain. So I'll just call it for what it is...wrong. Someday I hope he has the time to read some accounts from the lives of men like Shadraq, Meshach and Abendego (Daniel 3).
Pope hailed for praying toward Mecca like Muslims | Top News |