Monday, June 18, 2007

5 Chinese arrested in enslavement case - Yahoo! News

5 Chinese arrested in enslavement case - Yahoo! Newsday'

This is such a crushing and devastating article. This issue is near to my heart right now. We are talking with a fantastic group called the International Justice Mission about doing a documentary on human slavery. We are specifically going to look at sex traffic with adolescent girls in Asia. It is totally overwhelming to see how God's children are being abused.

This year we had the chance to turn the hearts of students toward the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa. My dream is that next summer we can really turn our attention to this issue of slavery. I hope we can call the church to make an impact. I can't imagine what it will mean when over 25,000 students mobilize in prayer and action.

What are your thoughts on CIY hitting this issue next summer?


Blogger Greg Holder said...

I think it's a great idea. I know that Ravi Zacharias' Wellspring International has been partnering with the Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAAST) on this issue.

10:15 PM

Blogger Jayson French said...

Hmmm...interesting. I need to look into that group. Thanks for the tip Greg.

6:30 AM

Blogger Greg Holder said...

Here is a link to Wellspring's description of their partnership with FAAST:

FAAST's website:

9:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Slavery is almost unheard of as an issue. But there are more slaves today than ever. It's an issue we all need to be aware of and be praying about and doing something about. It would be cool to do a day where we talk about being slaves to sin and moving into freedom through the blood. It would be a really cool day where we could hear stories of slaves that have been rescued. The Indian Caste systems has stories where Christian missionaries rescue them from the caste. I heard that from Anthony Bradley's sermon from The 2006 Resurgence conference. It's one of Driscoll's ministries and it has some really awesome theology. But opening the can of worms called slavery is one of those messy things that must be done in the name of Christ. We are free because someone paid a price and we need to do the same. It would be an awesome idea to talk about slavery.

1:42 PM

Blogger Jayson French said...

I like the connection you made with slavery and slaves to sin...that's got some merit. I'll have to think that one through. Cool insights.

2:33 PM

Blogger Valera K said...

I totally support you Jason.

If somone needs to step up against slavery and AIDS, who can do it better than youth?
Everything now is made because of teens. All the music and TV stars are famouse only because of the teen support.
So if we are such an influencial group, Im sure we will be notice, we just need to start MOVE'ing!

9:31 PM

Blogger Brett Adams said...


Had a blast in Cleveland last week. Wore that red shirt today with Wilfred on it....I live in Atlanta and had a lot of my African America neighbors kind of looking at me funny with the picture of a little black kid and image of Africa on my shirt...made for a great icebreaker. Catalyst had the guy from IJM last year and the slightest bit of conversation toward this will steam and impassion the hardest of hearts. Go with it. Just like Africa and Aids, IJM and what is happening there is our deal, plain and simple.

Brett Adams

11:03 PM

Blogger Chris and Rachel said...

I think its a great idea. Its such a problem that people aren't thinking about and it needs exposure before anything can be done. Educate as many people as possible to the reality of the world so a difference can be made. Especially in America is so hard to think that this is happening, but its true. Good luck. Cheers.


3:27 PM

Blogger Troy Dean said...

Hey Jayson! Long time no chat. I've been traveling to Cambodia for the last 8 years or so. Taking teams of students and other leaders to work to end trafficking... Actually saw you in the documentary about Rapha house... been there numerous times. I get to work with an amazing organization/ministry that is featured in another documentary called Nefarious.

Would love to reconnect and talk more about this.

Troy Dean

6:04 PM


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