Thursday, May 25, 2006

It's coming

Two weeks and counting until CIY Summer Conference 2006!

You know that expression about seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Well...I think it might be a train coming straight at us. We've passed the 17,000 mark this week, and the amount of lives to be impacted is still growing. This is going to be an amazing year. I can't wait to get started.

I've been hammering out my Friday night sermon for the summer. Paul is kicking my tail in Eph. 6:19-20. That text has just overwhelmed me lately. His humility in asking the church to pray for him is powerful. Where has that humility gone? I know that I need more of that in my life. I love how he puts on the armor and then asks for prayer. I think that there is something about having a sense of urgency that makes our prayer a little more fervent. It's kind of like my youngest son and baseball. We work and work on his swing...and I can't get him to focus. The funny thing is that when he is walking up to the plate he has this tendency to look over at me in the stands with this little look of panic on his face. It's that...oh do I do this? I think that prayer takes on a whole new significance in our lives when we strap on the armor and stand at the plate. No one wants to strike out.


Blogger johnny scott said...

I ran ahead in the tunnel to check out the whole light situation. The good new is that it is just an old man on one of those crank rail cars. The bad news is that he is going to release the bird flew on us all! ha!

9:23 AM

Blogger EricEpp said...

you are right. have we lost that ability due to the prideful/self-help world we live in? and does it change the way we read the plural tense armor of god section of eph?

12:32 AM


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